Dire Crossfit

Dire Crossfit


1. Group Crossfit Classes

2. Open Box

3. Pain Management Camps


Address: S-12, Janta Market, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi

Phone: +91 7303906932

Connect: Instagram


1. Group Classes

1. Monday - Friday

1. 7-10AM

2. 6-9PM

2. Saturday

1. 7-10AM

2. 6-8PM

2. Open Box

1. 10AM - 12PM

2. 4-6PM

What you need to get started

Nothing except some comfortable workout clothes.

People running the show

Akshay Talwar, Crossfit L2 certified coach.

Hygiene & Cleanliness

Small-ish space, but seems clean.

Vibe & Community

Do community events & even organise healthy brunches etc. Also organise workshops related to fitness.


Attis Rolodex is a way of consolidating health & wellness resources by filtering out the signal from the noise & giving you the best for your health. This is a living document & we hope to continuously update it. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please email us at srijan@attis.in.

We’re a lot more fun over here

All the material on this website is for informational purposes only. Please speak to your healthcare professional to understand your specific needs before starting any health & wellness protocols.


Attis Rolodex is a way of consolidating health & wellness resources by filtering out the signal from the noise & giving you the best for your health. This is a living document & we hope to continuously update it. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please email us at srijan@attis.in.

We’re a lot more fun over here

All the material on this website is for informational purposes only. Please speak to your healthcare professional to understand your specific needs before starting any health & wellness protocols.


Attis Rolodex is a way of consolidating health & wellness resources by filtering out the signal from the noise & giving you the best for your health. This is a living document & we hope to continuously update it. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please email us at srijan@attis.in.

We’re a lot more fun over here

All the material on this website is for informational purposes only. Please speak to your healthcare professional to understand your specific needs before starting any health & wellness protocols.